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As someone who has struggled with anxiety on a daily basis, I can honestly say I’ve used each and every one of these 11 self care ideas!
My therapist once told me that when it comes to mental health and any struggles you might have, you always want to be adding tools to your toolbox.
Because the more methods, ideas, tips and tricks that you have to turn to when things get tough, the easier it will be to find something that works to overcome your struggle in that moment, and get back to a better place.
And the more we incorporate those tools and methods into our daily lives, the more likely we’ll be to turn to healthy ways of coping and healing, instead of unhealthy and destructive ones.
So without further adieu, let me share 11 of my personal tried and true self care ideas for anxiety!
1. Mindful breathing

When you’re anxious, trying to clear or control your thoughts can sometimes feel impossible.
So when I’m struggling with anxiety I tend to prefer breathing exercises over most other types of meditation.
One of the best breathing techniques that I’ve ever learned was box breathing.
The way it works is that you:
- Inhale for four seconds
- Hold for four seconds
- Exhale for four seconds
- Hold for four seconds
- Repeat four times
Conscious breathing can be an amazing way to ground yourself and soothe anxiety!
2. Watch a comfort show

It doesn’t have to be an every day thing, but sometimes watching your favorite show or movie can be the best kind of comforting.
Bonus points if it’s also a show that makes you laugh!
Feel free to wrap up in your coziest blanket, and invite your spouse, kids, or pet to join you for a cuddle!
3. Do a puzzle

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and like you just can’t possibly handle one. more. thing?
If that’s the case then try to do something that you don’t have to think about.
Doing a puzzle is my personal favorite choice when I’m feeling that way.
It doesn’t take up much mental space to work on a puzzle, and the repetition can really help you to relax after awhile.
4. Turn on some white noise

Having background noise can be a simple way to help calm an anxious mind.
There are plenty of playlist online that include things like, nature sounds, humming, calming music.
Anternatively you could turn on a fan, air purifier, or the tv.
Or even just open a window to let in the sounds from outside for awhile!
5. Diffuse essential oils

You can use essential oils in a diffuser, add them to your bath or shower, put a few drops on your pillow before bed, or even roll it onto your wrist if you have some that are diluted and safe for skin!
Some great essential oils for anxiety are:
- Lavender
- Chamomile
- Citrus (lemon, orange)
- Bergamot
- Clary Sage
- Peppermint
- Ylang-ylang
6. Write it out

Journal, poetry, a letter to yourself.
Do whatever works best for you!
Just getting the thoughts out on paper may help you to understand what triggered your anxiety and make you feel calmer.
And if you’re looking for more tips on how to do it, I’m working on a new post specifically about how to journal for mental health, so be sure to check back in the next few weeks for that!
7. Try ASMR

By now I’m sure you’ve at least heard of ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) videos, but if you haven’t tried watching any yet, you might be surprised!
I was skeptical at first too, but I’ve found that ASMR videos can be very calming.
There are a lot of different types of ASMR videos out there as well, depending on your preferences.
There are some that are mostly just noises, such as tapping, brushing, and crinkling.
And others that mainly focus on whispering softly.
Some people tell stories, some role play, and some just talk about all kinds of random things!
So plug in those headphones, and do a quick search to start finding ASMR videos that work for you.
8. Color

I know, I know. Adult coloring books are everywhere these days.
So I’m probably not the first person to suggest it as a way to relax.
BUT there is a reason why it’s everywhere! Because it really does work!
And the awesome part about adult coloring books huge rise in popularity is that you are guaranteed to find a coloring book about whatever you’re into!
Plants? Yep. Dogs? Yes. Disney? Of course. Horror movies? Yes they even have those too!
Another idea is to search online for places to download FREE adult coloring pages!
Lots of sites offer these in exchange for signing up for their email lists.
9. Start a gratitude practice

Try starting a gratitude practice, and commit to doing it every day!
Personally I write mine down in a document on my phone. But you could use a pen and paper instead!
And if you don’t like the idea of writing it down, you could also try meditating on what you’re grateful for a few minutes every day, or saying a gratitude prayer every day.
Find what works best for you!
Whatever method you use, by focusing on the things in your life that you feel grateful for, it may help make it easier to recognize some anxiety and fears as irrational.
And after awhile you might also find yourself really starting to look for things to feel grateful for throughout the day!
10. Get outside

Grounding techniques are extrmemly important when it comes to managing anxiety.
And one of the best and easiest that I’ve found is just to get outside.
Breathe in the fresh air.
Watch the sky.
Notice the trees and plants moving in the wind.
Listen to the sounds around you.
Take as long as you need, and really take it all in.
11. Disconnect

When my anxiety is at it’s worse, it can feel like every little thing I take in online just adds to the pile of overwhelming.
And scrolling social media is usually the worst culprit.
So if you notice yourself having the same reaction, take a moment (or even a day) to disconnect from technology.
Social media, news, emails. All of it.
You can always take this time to do some of the other self care tips mentioned earlier!
I know how tough living with anxiety can be.
And sometimes making small changes in our lives, like focusing on more self care, can really make a difference!
I hope these 11 self care ideas for anxiety inspired you to try some new ways to help manage your anxiety, and find what works for you!
Ready to create consistency in your self care routine and finally start taking care of YOU?
↓ Grab your free daily self care checklist here ↓
If you’re looking for more helpful advice on mental health, check out these other posts:
- How to Clean Your House When You’re Depressed
- Dollar Store DIY – Daily Affirmations Jar (Plus FREE Printable Labels!)
- DIY Positive Affirmations Jar for Kids (Plus FREE Printable Labels!)
What self care ideas do you use to help with anxiety? Please share in the comments section below!
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2 thoughts on “11 Self Care Ideas for Anxiety”
Tests my problem , I don’t fo anything to take care of myself
I completely understand Tammy, it can be so hard to make ourselves a priority sometimes! I hope this list gave you some ideas you can try out! 💛