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I’ve always been a sucker for a good inspirational quote, and honestly, who among us couldn’t use a little more self love? So I’m sharing 15 inspiring self love quotes plus a set of FREE printable quote cards that you can take with you anywhere!
I’ve seen so many definitions of self love out there, but I really feel that self love is something a little different to each of us, and something that evolves with us throughout our lives.
What it looks like to you now may not be what it looked like a year ago, and may not be what it will look like a year from now.
But whatever self love means to you, however it looks in your life, it’s an absolutely vital part of living a healthy and fulfilling life.
Still, it’s something we all struggle with from time to time.
So use these quotes as little reminders of all that there is to love about you.
Because you are amazing, truly.
And use the form below to grab your free printable quote cards so you can stick them on your mirror, your vision board, your desk….wherever you need it most!

1. In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you – Andrea Dykstra
This is a quote I truly believe in.
Most of us have been through something extremely painful, maybe quite a few somethings.
If you’ve been through trauma, grief, abuse, or any kind of suffering, there is no minimizing that or pretending it wasn’t terrible.
But by trying to look at the way those hard things helped shape us into the people we are today – someone stronger, wiser, gentler, more determined – we can start to take back our power. We can learn to love the person we are today, scars and all.

2. You need your own love to save your heart – Rithvik Singh
Have you ever wished someone would come along and heal your broken heart right when you need it most?
I think we all have at one point or another.
And although other people, friends, family, or partners, can definitely help play a role in our healing, we are the only ones who are truly capable of doing the work.
Your own love is the one that your heart needs most of all.

3. You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress – Sophia Bush
Amen girl.
Keep doing the work, focus on how you want to improve and change, but don’t let that be your only focus.
Don’t lost site of the progress you’ve already made. The change you’ve already created
None of us are the same person we were even just a year ago.
So stop and admire the progress.

4. The best project you’ll ever work on is you – Sonny Franco
A great reminder for those moments when it feels selfish to put ourselves first.
To put ourselves before our family or friends, our work or other commitments.
We are the most important project we’ll ever work on, and when we take the time to do that self work, and remember that self love, we’ll see positive changes in all areas of our lives.

5. Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love – Brene Brown
How often do you have someone you care about come to you with a mistake, a fear, or some perceived flaw?
And what do you say to them?
Do you put them down? Do you shame them for their mistakes? Their flaws?
Chances are, probably not.
I bet you lift them up, right? Encourage them and remind them just how awesome they are!
So the next time you yourself are obsessing over a mistake, a fear or some perceived flaw?
Ask yourself what you would say to a friend. It can change your entire perspective!

6. When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy – Kim McMillen
This has definitely been the case in my own life!
When we love ourselves we begin to finally see our own value.
And when we see our own value, we naturally start to raise our standards in all areas of our lives.

7. If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down – Toni Morrison
You can’t achieve your biggest goals, be your best self or truly thrive in life without letting go of a few of the things that are weighing you down first.
- Not trusting yourself
- Negative self talk
- Not believing you are capable
- Not loving yourself as you are, today
Let that shiz go my friend, and see what you become.

8. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have – Robert Holden
Have you noticed how often people who treat others badly also treat themselves that way as well?
Treat yourself with kindness, and start seeing the value in your own self love.
Because it truly affects not just you, but everyone in your life.

9. Imagine if we obsessed about the things we loved about ourselves – Unknown
We all tend to focus far too much on our flaws.
But when was the last time you put even half as much effort into appreciating the best parts of you?
You have admirable qualities, you have talents and ideas! You have thoughts and ways about you that are uniquely your own!
And that should be celebrated!

10. You can’t pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first – Unknown
We’ve probably all heard this one, but it’s no less true.
Feeling overwhelmed?
Putting yourself first, and taking time for self care is the best way to beat burnout.
Taking care of you first can help you to be a more patient mom, a more loving partner, a more caring friend, and a more focused worker.
So if you struggle to feel that just doing it for your own sake is enough…
Remember all the ways that taking good care of you will also help the people you love.

11. Outer beauty is a gift. Inner beauty is an accomplishment – Randi G. Fine
So take a minute to appreciate it.
Your loving heart and beautiful soul.
All the things that make you, you.

12. What makes your heart smile? Yeah, do more of that – Unknown
Remember to fill your life with as many things that bring you joy as possible.
Don’t call the things you love “silly”, even if they seem small or unusual to other people.
If they matter to you, then they matter. Period.

13. Be faithful to that which exists within yourself – Andre Gide
A much prettier way of saying be true to yourself.
Listen to your heart, live the life that you want to live.
Don’t change just because someone else thinks you should.

14. The sooner you start believing in yourself, the sooner you’ll start seeing results – Unknown
Self sabotage is a very real thing.
And one that we’re all guilty of from time to time.
Just imagine how much…more you could be, how much more you could do, with a little faith?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “self–Trust is the first Secret to Success”
This one can truly be a challenge, but learning to trust yourself is kind of like having a superpower.
It takes remembering to pause and look inward when you’re faced with challenges or decisions.
Listen for that little voice inside you.
Your intuition, your instincts, your gut…whatever you want to call it, we all have one.
And yours will guide you towards what resonates and feels right to you.
I hope these 15 self love quotes start inspiring you to show yourself a little extra kindness!
If you haven’t yet, be sure to sign up for the newsletter and grab your FREE printable cards below:
And if you’re looking for more helpful posts, be sure to check out:
- How to Journal for Mental Health
- DIY Self Care Ideas Jar
- 11 Self Care Ideas for Anxiety
- Dollar Store DIY – Daily Affirmations Jar (Plus FREE Printable Labels!)
How do you practice self love? What are some self love quotes that you find inspiring? Be sure to share in the comments section below! OR dm me on Instagram at: thelittlemanorblog
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