Jessie Janssen - Digital Products Coach

32 Daily Affirmations for Moms

32 daily affirmations for moms
Find your joy in motherhood with these 32 powerful daily affirmations for moms. Start your day with confidence and positivity!


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Daily affirmations can be a powerful tool for moms to change their mindset.

If you’re tired of starting of starting your day already feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, why not try something new?

Why not try using positive affirmations?

I know it may seem like affirmations alone couldn’t make that much of a difference, but hear me out!

There is actual science to back it up!

Studies have shown that positive affirmations help activate the parts of our brains that are associated with self-related processing and reward. They can also help to build or restore our self-competence.

So basically, positive affirmations, when used regularly, are a sort of hack to re-wire our brains!

And they’re perfect for us as moms because we don’t always have much time in our busy days for one. more. thing.

You can repeat your affirmation while you’re getting dressed in morning, taking a shower, making breakfast, whenever!

Look through this list of daily affirmations specifically for moms and see which ones resonate with you!

Then, be sure to grab your FREE printable affirmation cards too!


    daily affirmations for moms

    1. I deserve to put my feet up and relax

    Because sometimes we just need permission to relax.

    2. I am calm in the chaos

    For those days that feel crazy as soon as they start.

    3. Every little struggle is a step forward

    To help you see the progress you’re making.

    4. Whatever I do today, that is enough

    Because perfectionism is great at stealing joy. Let it be enough, just as it is.

    5. Being a mother has shown me how strong I am

    We tend to focus too much on our struggles as moms. Remember your strength.

    6. My dreams and desires matter too

    Whether that’s your career, hobby, side-hustle, etc.
    Allow space in your life for the things you want!

    7. I am doing valuable work for my family

    Time spent doing self work, building a business, parenting, pursuing your career, it’s all valuable.

    8. I trust my maternal intuition

    Because your version of motherhood doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.

    9. I am learning to be a better mom with each new day

    You’re learning and growing each day!

    daily affirmations for moms 2

    10. I will take care of myself

    Sometimes you really do need to come first.

    11. My body is beautiful and strong

    Your body created life! Can you think of anything quite as beautiful?

    12. Self care makes me a better mom

    Remember, you have to fill your own cup so that you can help fill theirs!

    13. I am loved

    More than you probably know.

    14. I find joy in the everyday moments of life

    One of my personal favorites…a great reminder to slow down and really notice the little things!

    15. I make a difference in my child’s life

    You are the perfect mother for your kids!

    16. I bring light and love to everything I do

    You make an impact on everyone around you, and that can be a beautiful thing.

    17. My family loves and values me

    Know that they see and appreciate all that you do!

    18. Today I will encourage more than I correct

    Because when you’ve been battling tantrums it can be easy to forget the importance of encouragement.

    19. I am proud of myself

    Think about how far you really have come.

    more than just a mom - positive affirmation

    20. I am more than just a mom

    So much more. Take time to acknowledge all the different parts that come together to make you, you!

    21. I will remember to pause and breathe

    Such a good reminder on those tough days.
    Take that breath and find your calm.

    22. I am worthy of receiving love

    You don’t need to change in order to love and be loved by others

    23. I am enough

    Exactly as you are!

    24. I do not have to earn self care

    It’s not just a reward or something you get to do after all the work is done.
    Take time for it just because, and often!

    25. I am so much stronger than I realize

    Contemplate your triumphs for a minute.
    See your strength in both the big wins and the small.

    26. I am an amazing mom

    You really are! It’s time to own it!

    27. I have wins every day

    No matter how small, you can find a win in every single day!

    28. Today I will be present with my children

    An important reminder in the busy world we live in.
    Being present with them means so much.

    29. Happiness is my choice

    Take your power back, and choose a mindset that makes you feel good!

    daily affirmations for moms

    30. There are a million ways to be a good mom

    Instead of comparing, see the uniqueness you bring to motherhood.

    31. It’s okay to ask for help

    We all need a helping hand sometimes!

    32. I forgive myself

    Self-forgiveness can change the way you see both yourself and motherhood.

    I hope you feel inspired to try adding some of these daily affirmations for moms to your daily routine!

    And remember if you haven’t already, you can grab your FREE daily affirmation cards right here:

      Have you tried using daily affirmations? What are some of your personal favorites?

      Share them in the comment section below!

      Looking for more helpful ideas and FREE printables? Check out these posts:

      Sharing is caring!

      2 thoughts on “32 Daily Affirmations for Moms

      1. These are all such lovely and uplifting affirmations for mothers! #14 and #31 are my favorites! Thank you for sharing these!

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